视角 | 走进弥陀之光的心灵旅程——一位美国小伙的念佛心路


在杰克三十岁时,生命终于曙光乍现。他遇到了佛法,并很快地相应。接着他开始探索净土教法——宋明以降融合其他宗派的念佛法门,然而心中的困惑仍挥之不去。后来杰克幸逢原始、纯粹的善导大师教法 (善导大师,唐朝人,创立净土宗),才有了决定性的突破。于是他一年多前便皈依善导法脉,慧净上人赐予法名“净日”。



我的名字是杰克,法名净日。为文此篇是希望我的故事能为读者带来一些希望与启发。我出生于美国德州的圣安东尼奥。八个月大就被送给了养父母,同时也是我的教父、教母,因此我从小就是天主教徒。由于我原生父母一辈子为毒所困,所以我就被送给养父母抚养。我出生时他们就已经染上毒瘾,也根本无法照顾我们兄弟俩。于是我们被送去德州一个叫优瓦第 (Uvalde)的小镇,分别交由两对养父母抚养。尽管后来我们还是回到了原生父母身边,但那时我已经非常依赖养母了。














二十九岁时,我开始慢慢理解了我以前无法解释的事,例如事物间的种种内在关联,世事如幻影不可捉摸。我感到这个身体并不是真正的我,它只是我暂时借用的躯壳。我感觉这样的正向能量带领我前进,最后把我带进佛门。我知道佛法就是我必须学习的。当我了解业果、轮回之后,我立刻信服了,不再需要更多的理由说服自己:我只想知道怎么终结生死轮回。有师姐给了我生平第一本佛书,是净土祖师印光大师 (1861—1940) 谈到禅净的书信集。我一得知有阿弥陀佛与极乐世界,就立刻相应。我毫不迟疑地就想尽快去极乐世界!这个信念至今依然坚固。




















译文:释净教  佛之

SPIRITUAL SEARCH: A JOURNEY FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHTBy Jake SawyerThroughout the ages, Buddhist masters reminded us that the Buddha taught only one thing: suffering, and the transformation of suffering. Jake Sawyer experienced that quintessential component of the human condition early on. A turbulent childhood led him down many dark alleys and shaped his feelings about life.


Jake was nearly 30 when the light finally broke through. He encountered Buddhism and quickly felt an affinity. Then came explorations of the Pure Land teachings — the mixed traditions dating from China’s Song Dynasty (960–1279) and later. Yet difficulties and doubts remained. It was not until Jake came upon the original, pristine teachings of Master Shandao – who founded the Pure Land School in the Tang Dynasty – that a decisive breakthrough came. That let him to take refuge with the Shandao lineage just over a year ago. Master Huijing gave him the Dharma name Jingri (淨日), which means “Pure Day/Sun.”


Here’s Jingri’s account of his own spiritual search:


My name is Jake — now Householder Jingri. I’m writing this in hopes that my story may extend some hope and inspiration to readers.


I was born in San Antonio, Texas. When I was 8 months old, I was given to foster parents. They later became my godparents because I was raised a Catholic by them. I was sent to them because my parents have battled drug addiction all their lives. At the time of my birth, they were addicted to drugs and in no condition to care for me and my brother. We were sent away to a different set of foster parents but in the same small Texas town called Uvalde. Later we ended up back with our parents, but I had become very attached to my godmother.


In Texas I went back and forth between my parents and godparents, who lived about 6 hours apart. At one point in 4th Grade, things were so bad that I temporarily moved in with my godparents again. I had terrible stomach aches and would be so nervous I almost vomited. I didn’t know why; I just felt terrible inside because of the separation. I was fortunate though to be loved greatly by my godparents and the entire Serna family. It wasn’t until I got older that I truly understood what they did for me and really learned to appreciate them more deeply. As a kid I was just a rascal who did what I wanted.


I watched my parents argue countless times, until their union finally ended in divorce. Both of them quickly found other partners, so when I was with either of them I was also with their partner. It was a very challenging way to grow up. I became numb to most of it. I never lived in one place longer than two years, so I was always a new student somewhere. I just got used to moving around, never settling in.


As I became a little older at the age of 13, I moved across the country to Florida with my mother and her husband because he owned a house there. I was now not able to see my Father on the weekends. But I was only there for four months before my mother once again fell prey to drugs and I was sent back to my father. From then until I was 18, I saw my mother only two more times and to this day we don’t have much of a mother-son relationship. It was very hard, while growing up, never to know what was going to happen next.


Somehow I did all right, but the upheavals were molding me into something I didn’t know I was becoming. I developed two personalities. On one hand, I was this great kid who was an athlete and a musician, someone who always had determination. But I was also a cheater on tests, a liar and eventually someone who loved to party, drink alcohol and smoke marijuana.


At 18, I was about to graduate from high school. I made national-level in two sports: inline speed skating and junior bowling. But I put much less effort into my education and basically cheated my way through school – something I deeply regret to this day. I was so confused and had no direction in life. Just before graduation I decided to join the Marines because a friend asked me to. The next thing I knew I was being yelled at by scary men. But I had no problems finishing boot camp. It was one of the toughest things I had ever done, but I never once felt like I was going to quit. I was proud to be a U.S. Marine and thought I had made something of myself. Deep down, I just wanted recognition from my parents, though I was unaware of that at the time.


Now living in southern California, I left the Marines but had a job that paid the bills. I went to culinary school but didn’t end up with a culinary career. I also became a professional inline speed skater — something I dreamed about. But I was still a liar with deep anger inside. I often drank and went to parties. This led to three DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offenses, experimentation with drugs and court appearances. At 27, I felt so lost in life. I finally broke down in tears and realized I was an unwanted child. I never cried so hard in my life, but it was also the first time I was able to learn forgiveness. It really opened my heart and it was the beginning of the end of my old character, one I never liked.


At the age of 29, I found myself understanding things I wasn’t able to explain like how everything was interconnected, everything was just an illusion, and this body was not my real self, but only a shell I was temporarily using. I felt this positive energy taking me somewhere. Eventually it took me to Buddhism. I knew it was what I had to learn. Once I had some understanding of karma, reincarnation, I didn’t need to be convinced anymore: I just wanted to learn how to end the rebirth cycle! I was then given a book by a Dharma sister, the first on Buddhism I ever read. It was Pure-land Zen, Zen Pure-land, a collection of letters by Master Yinguang (1861-1940), the Pure Land patriarch of modern times. Once I learned of Amitabha Buddha and his Pure land, I felt an instant connection. I had no second thoughts and just wanted to get there as soon as possible! I still feel this way today.


Fortunately, there was a traditional Chinese Pure Land temple near my home. I spent as much time as I could there to help and learn. I took Refuge and the Five Precepts with the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. I attended all the services and learned how to recite everything in Chinese using Pinyin. I recited the Amitabha Sutra daily and memorized its English translation by heart. I recited the Shurangama Mantra three times every morning until I also nearly memorized it. I sometimes made 300 to 500 prostrations daily to Amitabha Buddha and recited “Namo Amituofo” as much as I could.


For the first time in my life I was happy about the person I was. I knew this was my purpose now and forgiving my past was an easy matter. Dealing with my parents is still challenging, but I understood that the only way I could really help them was through kindness and compassion. Though I was doing so many things in my daily practice, I also felt they were never enough. I heard that some Tibetan Masters bowed as much as 3,000 times a day and I was doing a mere 300 prostrations … It was intimidating! I also heard many stories about how good one must be to go to the Pure Land, otherwise we will be here again doing the same thing. Another turning point in my practice loomed.


I had added Master Jingzong to my Facebook page a few years ago. I hadn’t deeply investigated what he was teaching overall, but simply enjoyed what he had to say. The more I saw his teachings, the more I realized he speaks only of Pure Land — no other mantras, and no other methods. They were simple, direct, but effective! At 33, I started to look more into his teachings and I really connected with them. I felt like the master I was looking for had finally made himself known to me.


I did not even know anything about the Shandao lineage or Master Huijing, It had a more direct focus on just name-recitation. When I finally decided to take refuge in the Shandao lineage, I fully committed myself to this teaching. It was quite frightening actually because I was about to let go of everything I had learned so far. Going forward, I was going to recite the Buddha Name exclusively.


After a few months, I started to feel a connection with Amitabha that I never felt before. I couldn’t explain it but my heart felt so lifted and bright. I finally realized what it meant to have real faith in Amitabha Buddha. This was when everything Master Huijing and Master Jingzong had been teaching us became real for me. Master Huijing said we should only talk with people from our own lineage and not get confused by others. I took this to heart. After a while I was finally able to understand why this was so important.


Now my practice of Amitabha-recitation is firm and solid. I can communicate with people of other beliefs, but my heart is now fully connected to my rescuer, Amitabha Buddha. I realize no one else in the cosmos can end my suffering, so why seek anything else? There are other teachers, but why entertain them? This was what Master Shandao meant when he taught the central importance of “two-fold exclusivity” in Pure Land practice.


In September 2018, I was fortunate to meet Master Huijing, my teacher! As soon as he arrived, I did what I had learned and tried to make three full prostrations — only to be stopped after the first one. When I was able to speak briefly with Master Huijing, I had my palms together only to be told to just relax and be myself. Master Huijing is so humble that he wants everyone to feel equal at all times. As I listened to his teachings, they were never confusing and continued to open my understanding about nianfo (exclusive Amitabha-recitation.) It’s amazing how simple this profound teaching is, yet we ordinary beings tend to make it complicated. This’s why having a wise teacher like Master Huijing helps us understand how to have the right view and right understanding of nianfo.


Now 35, I can see that my journey in life has been full of suffering. The happiness I experienced never lasted. When I finally gave my heart to Amitabha, all my worries and fear went with it. I still experience suffering in small ways, but I always come back to Nianfo. It reconnects me with the joy that never will abandon me.


As a lost soul growing up in America, I have found my way home through the grace of Amitabha Buddha! When I recite Namo Amituofo, I have no doubt where I’m going and that Amitabha will receive me when it’s time for me to go. Until then I will do my best to spread the light of Amitabha’s joy. I hope I can be a vessel for others to become closer to Amitabha Buddha.


I know that my lotus flower is already blooming in the Pure Land, waiting for me. So I don’t think about what I need to do to be reborn in the Pure land any more. I just recite Namo Amituofo and wait until it’s my time to go. Amitabha Buddha is my teacher, my physician, my protector and, of course, my deliverer from birth-and-death! What can be better than that!


Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo!
